vrijdag 1 juli 2011

The Tour around the Zürichsee

Sunday i made a tour around the entire Zürichsee 106 Km including siteseeing!
The first 42 km from Siebnen/Galgenen to Zürich were no problem at all in just 2 hours! This distance 42 km is the best workoutdistance! 100 km on the stepper realy are a Challenge! Don't try this at home! Especially not at 30 Degrees Celsius!I
I would love to order a overdrive for the Stepper! The average speed could be 20% higher with more gears! A Nexus Hub? It should be possible in some way or the other to add more gears...any ideas?
I have been training on many steppers in the past years and my all time favorite stepper still is the Batavus Racing Stepper! Its about 25% faster than the Streetstepper! But no other stepper can beat the Streetstepper uphill its amazing how steep you can climb mountains...allmost incredible! And uphill the Streetstepper is faster than Mountainbikes...
Batavus does not sell Steppers anymore...Its a niche product and i fear that it will stay that way because nobody can reach the critical mass to realy create awareness!
Its great to see how people in their Aston Martin Cabrio envy you for your HOT RIDE!

Sonntag mit dem Streetstepper 106 km gefahren rund um den ganzen Zürichsee mit einige Abstecher zu Sehenswüridgkeiten rund um den See!
Die ersten 42 KM sind am leichtesten 2 Stunden nach Zürich ist kein Problem
die Mararthon Distanz ist auch die beste Trainingsdistanz! 100 km am Stepper sind echt eine Herausforderung überhaupt bei 30 Grad!

maandag 20 juni 2011

Offical Streetstepper Tests

The Streetstepper realy is a fitnessmachine that beats your Gym Membership its a very intense all body workout. I drove 39 KM around the upper part of Lake Zurichsee in 2hours 15 minutes with strong winds...Great tour to prepare for the first uphill tours.....

donderdag 16 juni 2011

The first ride as Official Streetstepper Tester!

Die erste Ausfahrt als Streetsteppertester....
Der Streetstepper ist wirklich ein Outdoor Fitness Gerät der Extraklasse...
werde über alle Touren und Rekorde berichten...
Und versuchen so viel möglich informationen über das Workout zu vermitteln..
Kalorienverbrauch usw... Ein effektiveres Training als am Streetstepper?
Ich wüsste nicht was für ein Training das sein könnte...
Liebe Grüsse an alle Streetstepper Fans vom Zürichsee!
Die erste Runde ging gemeinsam mit Jürg Schlegel von Streetstepper Schweiz
für eine kurze Einweisung und Insidertipps nach Lachen am Zürichsee und
schnell wieder heim...ein tolles Workout 90 Minuten die mehr bringen
als 4 Stunden am Radl. Es ist wesentlich intensiver!
Ein tolles Gerät!

The first Tour as Official Streetstepper Tester
The Streetstepper realy is a very special Outdoor Fitness Machine!
I will inform you about all tours and worldrecords
Will try to give you as much information about the workout
callories burned after each workout and so on..
Is there any more effective Outdoor Fitness Training?
The Fisrt tour with Jürg Schlegel of Streetstepper Switzerland
for insider tips and practical advise to Lachen at Lake Zürichsee
and very fast home...clouds did not look good...
A Great workout 90 Minutes compare that to 4 hours on a bike...
Its much more intense..and more of a all body workout!
A great fitness machine!

I would not know what that would be....
Greetings to all the Streetstepper Fans

woensdag 25 mei 2011

Streetstepper Video

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

The step movement used on the Streetstepper excercises the body’s strongest muscles (legs and buttocks) as well as integrating torso and arm muscles.
The upright position used on the Streetstepper is particularly beneficial for the spinal column as well as being easy on the wrists, as they don’t have to support any body weight. Furthermore, the gentle movement is low impact and makes no demands on the joints. This combination is simply unique!

Regardless of whether you are starting out with a new fitness regime and are maybe a little overweight, or you are already a well trained sports person and are looking for an alternative way of taking exercise in the fresh air, or looking for performance orientated training methods where, for example, differences in altitude of over 1000 metres can be achieved per hour – the Streetstepper is one of the most effective and healthy summer sport apparatuses that has ever been invented.

Gerhard Handle Dr. Gerhart Handle
specialist in orthopaedics, Innsbruck


„I consider the Streetstepper to be an absolute sensation for orthopaedic and sport medicine reasons, because it offers the following advantages:

Homogeneous, concentric muscle exertion. No micro traumas in the musculature as caused e.g. during mountain descent. No “aching muscles”

Ideal for hip, knee and ankle joints. Gentle joint-muscle coordination training and cardiovascular training without any damaging high impact stress

Upright body position and no spinal damaging forced posture caused otherwise by cycling. This avoids neck and lumbar vertebrae problems, often suffered by sportspersons.“

Toni Mathis Toni Mathis
Sport- and physiotherapist


“Since the summer of 2010 my son and I, Tino Mathis (DPT in private practice in Vaduz, Liechtenstein), know and use the Streetstepper Sport.

The Streetstepper is a sophisticated tool for both training and rehabilitation after injury; we have collected excellent evidence of its uses.

30 years ago I trained and treated athletes and patients on the legendary “Himmelssteige” (staircase) in Feldkirch. The desire for a training device, which allows you to simulate climbing stairs, has been long awaited – and now it’s here! I am thrilled this ingenious tool is now available to aid in therapy!

Injured spines, painful joints, muscles, and even internal organs can be trained in a low impact routine – yes, I even dare to say: It’s a type of therapy.

The Streetstepper will hold its’ own within the fields of physical therapy practice and sports scientists testing this device will soon be delivering as yet undiscovered data to the sports industry with their results.”

The all New Streetstepper

What is the Streetstepper?

The Streetstepper is a completely new mode of transport which cleverly combines mobility with keeping fit.

The step levers operate independently from another, the upright position is comfortable from the word go.

Riding the Streetstepper is easy and incredibly good fun!

The combination of upright posture and low impact step movement is simply unique, making the Streetstepper one of the healthiest outdoor fitness apparatus on the market.

One frame size fits all, handlebar with adjustable height and position.

THE exercise machine!

In addition to the automatic gear mechanism, a manual 3 gear system enables outstanding performance:

1,000 metres and more in elevation per hour,
inclines of over 15% gradient or 100km on a single run?

No problem – as long as you have the necessary stamina!

The Streetstepper is first choice for ambitious riders!

zondag 18 mei 2008

Soon we will set a few new records

Today we have been testing the Racing stepper!
Most important thing about the racing stepper is
maximum pressure in the racing tires! 10 bar and you will
feel like flying! With our new Topeak pump we are able to
keep the pressure up and the pressure makes all the difference!

The season is young but the first 60 KM tour on
the Racing Stepper has been great!
After a few shorter rides between 20 and 40 km this time
it had to be a 60 km ride! And wow that was great with just one
brake after 30 km you will need 6 brakes for your first long ride!

But with a little practice and a good condition i bet we are now
ready do drive realy long distances like more than 100km we will keep
you updated.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

maandag 5 mei 2008

Gary Silva!
The inventor of the 3 G Stepper and designer of the Batavus
City Stepper and Racing stepper is still the number one when it
comes to the most perfect stepper!

We did so much testing now and we can tell you there is no better
way to ride than on his steppers!

vrijdag 4 januari 2008

Happy new year

If you want a dreambody 2008 try outdoorfitness on the outdoorstepper!

dinsdag 20 november 2007

Ski outdoor fitness

Can you imagine a better preperation for your skivacation than the
stepper? Look at the muscles that you use on the stepper.
Riding a bike is also a nice preperation for skiing but the
stepper beats the bike thats for sure!

With the right stuff you can ride the stepper even if it is cold.

The streetstepper will be used by professional skiers for this
training purpose! Much more fun than in the gym!